It's important to get some education BEFORE signing up to ANYTHING

This year has been intense.

There are many things that I decided to do, perspectives I decided to shift, and habits I decided to change. I started doing these things since the end of last year because I wanted to start the new year with all of those changes having been implemented.

Here are the 2 things that I set my mind to do this year. I hope they inspire you in some way with making changes in your life.

1. Be committed to putting my insecurities and limiting beliefs aside.

We all have insecurities and limiting beliefs that developed and got stuck inside of us during unpleasant times in our lives. Past negative experiences subconsciously tell us to fear, be cautious, and be careful. But as we start doing more inner work, we may realise that being cautious hasn’t got us anywhere.

Being cautious leads us to people who are cautious. Being fearful leads us to people who are fearful. Insecurity only breeds insecurity. Fear only breeds fear. This only confirms that our fearful belief is right.

Hence, we repeat the same pattern over and over until we realise that: “Hey, this is not what I want! Maybe I have to try something new!”

Something new is being brave, taking a closer look at our insecurities and limiting beliefs, and realise that we didn’t have them years ago. Certain experiences at some points in our lives caused us to have them. Something new is taking a closer look at your environment and whom you listen to for advice. This leads to the second point.

2. Be careful who I listen to for advice.

If you want to have A, you can’t be taking advice from people who never have A or continuously fail to achieve A.

Read that again.

If you want to achieve something, you can’t listen to people who have never achieved what you want to achieve.

This applies to every single thing in life.
– Would you let someone who doesn’t play tennis teach you how to play tennis?
– Would you let someone who doesn’t know how to play guitar teach you how to play guitar?
– Would you let someone who fails math at school teach you math?

Why do we let someone who has never built a successful property portfolio give us real estate advice?

There’s a reason why someone is where they are.

There’s a reason why someone hasn’t achieved what they deeply want to achieve.

The reason lies in their beliefs.

Then why do you let their beliefs rub off on you?

Unless you want to be where they are, why would you listen to dating advice from them?

Unless you want to be stuck in the job you don’t enjoy forever because you’re too scared to pursue your dreams, then why would you take advice from someone who is too scared to chase their dreams?

Only take advice from those who live the life you want to live.

Only take advice from those who have achieved what you want to achieve.

Your beliefs are too precious. Be careful what you let get into your subconscious mind.

PK Gupta
Published: 18 Jun 2021


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