Buying A Property Is A Big Investment. Still Not Sure About The Course? Get Your Answers Here
Got Questions About the Course?My Story

My Story
In 2011, freshly graduated from University, my partner (now wife) and I wanted to start investing in property to create passive income.
We saw almost everyone working a 9-5 for 50 years, with nothing to show for it.
No freedom, no choices, fearful of being made unemployed from a job they didn’t like. Because they relied on it.
As second generation immigrants, we knew struggle and how hard our parents worked.
But we wanted a different life.
Not to be “rich”. But to be independent & free. To have time to do the things we love, with the people we love. Continued below…
My Vision
My vision is to see people reach achieve their full potential
My Mission
My mission is to remove financial stress so we can all do the things we love, with the people we love
Our Brand
Living life inside the box means to be restricted, oppressed and mainstream. Living outside the box means to have choices, freedom and flexibility.
The same is true in real estate. Inside the box means to follow myths & “noise”. Outside the box means to follow the data and ignore others’ opinions.
My Journey

My Journey
When I went to learn about property investing all I could find back then were conference room seminars where some “expert” would skim through some basic strategies and try to sell you a house & land package or off-the-plan property at the end at the back of the room.
This didn’t feel right to my partner and I.
I was an Investment Banker at the time, working at JPMorgan. I was in stock research and trading, advising and doing $100M+ deals for superannuation and managed funds.
I knew data and statistics. In the stock market we “lived” numbers. But in real estate, everyone was towing the same old line, “infrastructure, proximity to CBD, amenities, train stations, vacancy rates, yields”. As if following 5-10 high-level indicators would get you the passive income you needed to leave the 9-5.
So I decided to collate all the property data available over 30 years of history (50+ factors) and run the “multi-variate regression analysis”, normalising for “auto-correlation”, to understand the “coefficients, weightings and thresholds” of both quantitative & qualitative factors, what truly drives capital growth and high cashflow.
I used this system to start our own portfolio and it worked, getting better and better with more experience and the real world “street smarts”.
Now we have 13 properties worth over $25,000,000 AUD providing $250,000 – $300,000+ net passive income and we have helped over 1,200 clients start or accelerate their passive income journey since 2017.
I’m proud to say they have bought over 3,500 properties worth over $1.75bn and saved themselves over $50m in Buyers Agent fees.
My Team
I believe in “happy team, happy clients, happy business”.
They have former experience in large companies like PWC, KPMG, IKEA, NAB, Virgin Australia, IBM, etc, and each one of them has post-graduate qualifications such as an MBA, Chartered Accountancy, or other Master’s Degree.
Most importantly they are all successful clients & investors and down-to-earth genuinely nice people.
We don’t just hire anyone!



