It's important to get some education BEFORE signing up to ANYTHING

Why did you choose the Property Investment Accelerator as opposed to other courses?

This is a question that fascinates me. I created and designed a course where my mission is to fix the many flaws that I see with the current property education model – classroom based learning, no hand-held support systems, a handful of notes and a bombardment of information that is extremely expensive and is based on generalist information to mass audiences.

Property Investment Accelerator Course

This is frankly chaos. The student ends up spending their first house deposit on a credit card and a financial burden from day one – this isn’t value.

The worst thing about this model is what someone teaches in a classroom isn’t actually reality and when you go to put this into a practice it doesn’t work. This needs fixing.

Theory and reality aren’t the same thing!

I wanted to bring a product to the market that was different, that created value for people to get started in property so that they could have a hand-held support service that focuses on their individual circumstances with a full one stop shop service for life.

A course that meant that the student could learn at their own pace and with access to people that can support them and hold their hand every step of the way. But most of all I wanted to bring back value.

The result an affordable program with granular strategy and research systems and extreme detail, and an honest and integral approach to a growing a successful property portfolio.

We create thinker-doers so you can apply what you learn immediately with a hand held individualised support function.

Here is why people to choose to work with us.

PK Gupta
Published: 18 Jun 2021


This year has been intense.


Lateral thinking investing strategies and sacrifice