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If You Listen To Media Headlines Or Listen To Bank Economists You Are Literally Crippling Your Ability To Create Passive Income?

What did each of the big banks predict back in March 2020 when Covid-19 impacts first hit the headlines⁉️

ANZ Research expected a peak-to-trough decline of 10% on average across the capital cities.

CBA predicted a 10% to 12% fall in capital city prices (and in worst case modelling analysis up to 32% drop – which was the figure quoted in all media headlines).

Westpac predicted a 10% slump in national prices between April 2020 and June 2021.

NAB predicted a 10% to 15% fall in house prices.

AMP were predicting up to a 20% fall in prices.

Just last week Westpac and CBA revised their property forecasts as follows:
Bill Evans, Westpac Chief Economist, now forecasts national house prices will surge 15% until mid-2023.

Westpac only expects prices to fall a further 2.3% per cent by June 2021, having already declined 2.7 per cent since the peak in April.

CBA have now revised their forecast down to a 6% fall in house prices.

In many cases we have seen this drop already.

? KEY TAKEWAY: Ignore all of this. Buy well and make money. Hundreds of investors have made tens of thousands of $$$ since March and will continue to do so.

Don’t sit idle fearing the clouds of uncertainty.

PK Gupta
Published: 18 Jun 2021


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