It's important to get some education BEFORE signing up to ANYTHING

Be a Property Investor

For a long time property investors have been categorised as wealthy individuals hording real estate. Slum lords even! Let’s bust some myths about who property investors really are.

Myth – Investors have a huge number of properties
Reality – Over 90% of investors, or 1.95 million investors, have only one or two properties. It’s not easy, takes a lot of education to build a portfolio

Myth – Property investing is for the rich
Reality – Of the 1.5 million investors who only have one property, over 40% have a annual income of less than $50,000. 77% earn less than $100,000

Myth – Investors are just in it for the depreciation benefits, robbing the government
Reality – 41% of investors have a cashflow neutral or positive portfolio. Don’t sacrifice growth for a new build!

This proves that almost anyone can be a property investor. If you are prepared to focus your time and energy, it is a proven vehicle to grow your wealth.

Less than 18% of Australian’s are financially independent when they retire at 65.

Regardless of your age, start investing in your education now, and don’t be part of that statistic.

PK Gupta
Published: 18 Jun 2021


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