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Unlocking Your Investment Property's Borrowing Potential: How to Maximize Your Returns

To truly experience success as a property investor you’ll want to unlock the borrowing potential of your property, in order to maximise returns.

But before you start asking ‘how much can i borrow for an investment property’, it’s important to understand what borrowing potential is and how and what factors influence it.

Once we’ve got the basics, we’ll go over some expert tips and insights that will help you gain an edge over the competition and optimise your investment strategy.

From evaluating cash flow and enhancing property value to maintaining a good credit score and exploring refinancing options, we will provide you key tips to unlock your investment property’s borrowing potential and maximise your returns.

What is Property Borrowing potential?

Investment property borrowing potential refers to the maximum amount of money that a lender is willing to lend against a particular investment property.

Many lenders will use a common formula to determine your borrowing capacity:

Gross income – (tax + existing commitments + new commitments + living expenses + buffer) = monthly surplus

Several other factors may also play a role in determining your property’s borrowing potential. These include:

  • the property’s value
  • rental income potential
  • The cash flow generated from the property
  • The borrower’s financial profile (i.e., credit score, income, employment stability, and debt-to-income ratio)
  • Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV) ( the percentage of the property’s value that a lender is willing to finance)
  • The type of loan you’re applying for (knowing the best loan for investment properties is also an important skill)
  • The current interest rate/market conditions

Once you can determine your borrowing potential, it’s then important to utilise the following tips to maximise the return on your investment.

Tips to unlock a property’s borrowing potential

Evaluate the Property’s Cash Flow :

One of the first steps in unlocking your investment property’s borrowing potential is to evaluate its cash flow. Carefully analyse the rental income potential and expenses associated with the property.

Consider factors such as vacancy rates, maintenance costs, property management fees, and potential rent increases. A positive cash flow will not only improve your overall financial position but also increase your borrowing capacity.

Lenders are more likely to offer favourable terms when they see a property that generates consistent income and covers its own expenses.

To enhance the property’s cash flow, consider making improvements that attract higher-paying tenants or justify an increase in rental rates.

Conduct thorough market research to determine the optimal rent for your property, ensuring it aligns with the local market conditions and attracts quality tenants who are willing to pay a premium for a well-maintained property.

Improve the Property’s Value:

Increasing the value of your investment property can significantly boost your borrowing potential. Look for opportunities to enhance the property’s value through renovations, upgrades, or adding desirable features.

Focus on improvements that offer a high return on investment, such as kitchen or bathroom upgrades, landscaping enhancements, or energy-efficient additions.

Renovations and upgrades not only make your property more appealing to potential tenants but also allow you to command higher rental income. Additionally, they can potentially increase the property’s market value, enabling you to borrow more against it in the future.

Keep the property in good condition, ensuring that it is clean and well-maintained. Attend repairs promptly before small issues become big, more expensive problems!

Additionally, consider adding desirable features that can set your property apart from the competition.

These may include modern appliances, air conditioning, updated lighting fixtures, or energy-efficient solutions. Such features not only attract quality tenants but also provide a basis for higher rental rates.

Maintain a Good Credit Score:

Your credit score is also a key part in unlocking your investment property’s borrowing potential. Lenders assess your creditworthiness when considering loan applications, so it’s crucial to maintain a good credit score.

Pay your bills on time, minimise credit utilisation, and avoid excessive debt. It’s worth regularly reviewing your credit report to correct any errors and ensure your credit history is accurate.

Multiple recent inquiries can negatively impact your credit score, so avoid opening unnecessary credit accounts

A strong credit score demonstrates your ability to manage debt responsibly and increases the likelihood of obtaining favourable borrowing terms. It may result in lower interest rates, reduced fees, and higher borrowing limits, enabling you to unlock additional funds for future investments.

Explore Refinancing Options:

Knowing how to maximise your borrowing capacity requires a regular review of financing arrangements. Staying informed on the status of the current market is important – keep an eye on interest rate movements and fluctuations, as these factors can present opportunities to refinance and optimise your borrowing costs.

Perhaps interest rates have decreased since securing your loan, or maybe your property’s value has increased significantly. In these situations, refinancing can help lower your borrowing costs or unlock additional equity.

By refinancing at a lower interest rate, you can reduce your monthly mortgage payments, leaving more cash flow available for other investments or property improvements.

When considering refinancing, assess the associated costs, such as application fees, valuation fees, and potential break costs from your existing loan. Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to ensure that the potential savings or benefits outweigh the refinancing expenses.

In order to unlock your investment property’s borrowing potential, you’ll need to take a strategic approach that considers a range of factors. To summarise, this includes:

  • evaluating cash flow
  • improving property value
  • enhancing appeal
  • maintaining a good credit score
  • exploring refinancing options
  • staying informed about market trends

By implementing these expert tips and insights, you can stay ahead of the competition and maximise your returns. Remember, each investment property and financial situation is unique, so you’ll need to tailor these tips to any specific circumstances you might be experiencing.

With careful planning, research, and proactive management, you can unlock the full potential of your investment property portfolio and financial success and freedom!

PK Gupta
Published: 09 Jun 2023


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